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Why Everybody Needs an AI Strategy

Why Everybody Needs an AI Strategy

Discover why an AI strategy is essential in today's competitive landscape for unlocking operational efficiency, ROI gains, and sustainable growth across businesses of all sizes.

Sam Jenkins


This blog post is a refined version of a presentation I've delivered to clients and various groups on the subject of AI in recent months.

In today's rapidly evolving world, having an AI strategy isn't just an option—it's a necessity for any forward-thinking business. AI has transcended buzzword status to become a fundamental driver of business transformation, capable of automating tasks, providing unparalleled insights, and even making autonomous decisions. Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise, understanding how generative AI can transform the way your business operates is crucial as it becomes ubiquitous across industries.

The stakes are clear: companies with a robust AI strategy experience remarkable gains in operational efficiency, customer experience, and, most crucially, ROI. Those lagging behind in AI adoption risk not just stagnation but potentially irreversible decline as competitors harness the power of AI to leap ahead. Business need to find ways to integrate the technology into their own processes and products, fast.

The Rise of AI

Much like other revolutionary innovations, the media has a tendency to shape its own agenda-driven narrative about AI, often influenced by its quest for sensationalism or audience engagement. Typically, this narrative has oscillated between portraying either a dystopian menace leading to the end of civilisation or a utopian solution where everyone enjoys endless leisure. However, the truth is more balanced: AI is a powerful instrument that not only augments human capabilities but also opens the door to previously unimaginable possibilities.

One thing is certain: AI holds the record for the most rapidly adopted business technology, a fact underscored by ChatGPT reaching 100 million users within just two months of its launch. People frequently inquire about the reasons for this rapid adoption, and here are my thoughts:

Simplest interface ever - Despite its complex tech, ChatGPT's user-friendly interface has made it accessible to a diverse audience, thereby popularising English as the hottest new programming language.

Meeting Diverse Business Needs - One of the key reasons behind AI's rapid adoption is its ability to meet a wide range of business needs across multiple industries.

Easy Integration - AI's seamless compatibility with existing systems has accelerated its adoption, allowing businesses to leverage its power without costly or time-consuming overhauls.

Scalability & Cost-Efficiency - Once an effective AI solution is in place, scaling it involves minimal additional cost, making it not only adaptable but also economically advantageous for businesses.

Continuous Improvement - AI algorithms learn and evolve over time. The self-improving nature of AI has made it an appealing investment for businesses seeking long-term benefits.

Competitive Advantage - Companies leveraging AI-powered solutions have witnessed significant improvements in their operations and decision-making processes, leading to increased market share and profitability.

While the benefits of AI are extensive, Individuals are grappling with AI's swift evolution, which has transitioned from a fledgling tool to a highly competent one in a short span, accelerated by advancements like ChatGPT-4. This rapid progress has essentially skipped the gradual adoption phase, setting high expectations for near-perfect performance from the outset, despite AI already outperforming humans in numerous domains.

Nevertheless, the more I engage with AI, the more convinced I become that it is the most transformative and deflationary technology we'll witness in our lifetimes. Every company needs an AI strategy to avoid being left behind, as AI tools increase the opportunity cost of wasted time higher than it’s ever been in human history.

What is an AI Strategy?

An AI strategy is a comprehensive plan that aligns AI initiatives with an organisation's overarching business objectives. Unlike isolated AI projects or use-cases, an AI strategy aims for a coordinated, company-wide approach. This ensures that AI becomes more than just a set of tools; it becomes an integral driver of the organisation’s competitive advantage, operational efficiency, and innovation.

The strategy typically starts not with technology, but with the organisation's core business goals. It then outlines how AI can accelerate the achievement of these goals, specifying the required resources, timelines, KPIs and ROI. Effective AI strategies also involve tight collaboration among leaders across different departments and often require cultural shifts within the organisation to fully harness the benefits of AI.

The end goal is to integrate AI capabilities seamlessly across the business, enabling a synergistic effect that can result in greater efficiencies, cost savings, and new avenues for value creation. Thus, a well-crafted AI strategy serves as the blueprint for sustainable and scalable AI adoption, ensuring long-term business success.

One particularly invigorating aspect of our client collaborations is exploring AI as a revenue generator, not just a tool for cost reduction or efficiency gains. While this perspective is still relatively uncommon, it's a point we emphasise readily. AI offers unprecedented opportunities to enhance existing products, scale offerings, and even create entirely new products and services. This shifts the role of AI from being a mere cost center to becoming a potent catalyst for a revenue profit centre.

Why you need an AI Strategy?

In today's fast-paced and competitive landscape, having an AI strategy isn't just a 'nice to have'; it's very quickly becoming a business imperative for businesses of all sizes.

Here are some compelling data points underscoring the importance of AI:

  • Companies that have implemented AI solutions report an average revenue increase of 38% according to McKinsey.

  • Those that have adopted AI also experience an average cost reduction of 35% as per Gartner's findings.

  • A staggering 94% of respondents believe that AI is critical to their business success, as revealed by Deloitte's State of AI report.

Core Benefits of Leveraging AI:

Operational Efficiency

AI technologies can automate complex, time-consuming tasks, thereby significantly reducing operational costs. This operational efficiency frees up your team to concentrate on strategic projects that drive business growth.

Strategic Innovation

AI isn't just about solving current problems; it also uncovers new opportunities for innovation. This forward-thinking approach allows your business to maintain a competitive edge in fast-changing markets.

Enhanced Customer Experience

AI-powered tools such as chatbots, recommendation engines, and personalised marketing strategies offer a 24/7 customer experience that is tailored to individual needs. This not only enhances engagement but also fosters customer loyalty.

Scalable Growth

One of AI's most compelling features is its scalability. The technology's ability to learn and adapt means your business can scale without a corresponding linear increase in resources. This enables a more agile response to market changes and evolving customer demands.

Having an AI strategy isn't solely a business prerogative; individuals can also reap significant advantages from crafting their own AI plans. I intend to delve deeper into this topic in an upcoming blog post, especially since I've personally experienced substantial benefits from it this year. Emerging data supports this notion, with a Boston Consulting Group survey revealing that 59% of office employees feel that workplace AI positively impacts their work-life balance.

How we develop winning AI Strategies?

At, we've engineered a three-step framework that has garnered significant success among our initial clientele. While we continue to refine and evolve our services, the straightforward nature of our approach has consistently resonated with our clients thus far.

Step 1: AI Readiness Assessment

This initial stage evaluates an organisation's existing infrastructure, data availability, skill levels, and cultural readiness to identify the groundwork needed for the successful integration of AI solutions.

Step 2: AI Strategy and Solutions

This phase involves developing a strategic roadmap based on the readiness assessment, identifying appropriate AI technologies, crafting use-cases, and designing solutions that align with the organisation's goals and customer needs. Within our AI Strategy Reports, we include an Implementation Plan that recommends suitable workflows for AI tool integration, all aligned to achieving business goals. These Strategy Reports are digital and dynamic in nature.

Step 3: Implementation & Training

The AI solutions are implemented into the existing systems, and extensive training is conducted for staff to effectively use and manage these new tools, while change management processes ensure a smooth transition to this new technology paradigm.

Another product we offer in our AI-as-a-Service suite is acting as your personal Chief AI Officer, going beyond mere facilitation to deliver enduring value. Our expertise lies in perpetually enhancing ROI via customised training programs and strategic initiatives that instill an AI-focused culture. This service is particularly advantageous for executing mid-term and ongoing AI implementations, ensuring a seamless and effective integration with your existing operations.

Getting Started with your AI Strategy

Embarking on your AI journey frequently commences with pilot projects that offer immediate value. For instance, harnessing ChatGPT for efficient email composition and copywriting, deploying Midjourney for high-quality visual content, or utilising advanced transcription tools for automated meeting summaries are quick wins. These initial applications serve as building blocks, seamlessly aligning with broader AI strategies to yield optimal ROI.

While these pilot projects provide valuable initial momentum, and I advocate for businesses to begin their AI journey wherever feasible, they should not be viewed as a replacement for a cohesive, comprehensive AI strategy.

This all-encompassing strategy is the key to unlocking transformative results and significantly boosting ROI. With our early clients, we've already witnessed substantial productivity improvements through the deployment of generative AI. Although we're in the initial stages, we're excited about the prospects of how employees in these companies can reallocate their time to drive substantial revenue growth as well as increase happiness and wellbeing.

Finally, developing an AI strategy that’s set up to fuel a differentiating core business strategy is not a one-and-done exercise. Businesses should develop dynamic ways of assessing their strategy to ensure it remains responsive to ever-changing market and technology developments. As the organisation’s core business strategy and AI capabilities mature over time, business owners and leaders should continually sharpen their goals, moving beyond staying competitive to increasingly using AI as competitive differentiators.

Don't delay in realising your full AI potential - schedule an introductory call with us today to help you craft a winning AI strategy that can drive profits and productivity.

Sam Jenkins

Founder of

Sam started to unleash the power of AI and boost profits and productivity for businesses.

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